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Showing posts from December, 2013

Insidious: Chapter 2

Stay away from her. I'm serious, run.  *possible spoilers* Yes, I finally saw this! You have no idea how excited I was about this movie. My expectations were low given the poor reviews I've seen, but that didn't dampen my spirits. And was I disappointed? No. Chapter 2 is different from the first. By that I mean the feel is different, which you can't really help. No one knew what the hell was going on in the first one. The family didn't know what exactly they were scared of or what was happening to their son. In this follow-up, which takes place immediately after the first, they're still reeling from all the horrors that happened, including the murder of Elise. Unfortunately, the horrors aren't over. The scares are also not quite the same. It doesn't work so well as a haunted house movie like the first one did, but those aren't the only scares to be had, luckily. The real scares come in the form of the backstory. That being said, the ghosts ar

Bad Grandpa and Other Reviews

Aw yeah, it's time for my super duper ahort movie review catch-up! I'm pretty sure I've forgotten half the movies I've watched, but oh well. I still managed to see (and remember) a few that I saw in theatres and on Netflix recently. Bad Grandpa I can't claim to be a big 'Jackass' fan since I had only seen the first movie prior to this (which I liked), but I enjoyed Bad Grandpa. Obviously I like crude humor (to an extent), and I like Johnny Knoxville. I have to say, though, it's a little disturbing knowing there's a hot guy underneath all that old man make-up. Unfortunately, I was keenly aware of it while watching this film. Which is not weird at all. Also, great casting! The kid was surprisingly good in his role, and very daring. And if you didn't know, this is in movie format rather than random pranks/skits like the other films. It's a movie, but only the kid and Knoxville know it. People's reactions are great. I love the end