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Showing posts from April, 2019

Black Summer

You know that feeling you get when you've had a long day, or even a long week, and you just want to sit down and be entertained without having to think about it. Your brain is barely functional, and you simply want Netflix to know what you want to watch before you're even aware that it exists, because everything is a struggle right now. Frankly, after watching countless days worth of shows and movies, Netflix really should just be psychic at this point. I had one of those moments the other day, and Netflix did not fail me. I love zombies. I will watch pretty much anything zombie-related. I wouldn't mind turning into a zombie one day. Zombies! Black Summer has zombies. I guess I'm watching Black Summer now. Black Summer is a modestly short series that runs 8 very digestible episodes, which eventually shrink into shorter, bite-sized episodes. My boyfriend and I ran through this whole show in one night (a work night, but it was worth staying up a little late