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Showing posts from December, 2019


Don't worry, I used an AMC gift card, because there are some lows that even  I  am not willing to descend to. Cats . The only real reason to see this is to have a gloriously fun time hating on it. I was so giddy about the idea of it being terrible that I actually went out to see it on a Friday morning opening week. Perfect time, because only my fellow degenerates would be there (and confused people who actually did wander in, talk in whispered confusion and, dare I say, panic? Until finally they realized the error of their ways and went back to see Star Wars .) Let's start with the plot, of which there really isn't a coherent one. I'm okay with that. But I guess if there is one, it goes like this: British cats with human hands break out of their homes once a year and unite in the streets of London in order to perform horny musical numbers and compete for a chance to get a "new life". The winner gets to float off in a hot air balloon to...? Die. I mean o