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Showing posts from August, 2020

Feeling blah, so here's one of my favorite songs


Quickie Reviews: Horror Edition

My mouth hurts. You know when some part of your body isn't functioning correctly, and you can barely think about anything else? Eight days of oral tribulations, and the list of movies and series that I jotted down over the past several months is still sitting there next to the couch, ever neglected. My mind is half broken (okay, that's nothing new), but screw it. So here are some super quickie reviews by a woman whose brain is 99% focused on antiseptic gels and hydrogen peroxide mouth rinses. Here we go: Exhibit A When you think about it, there's nothing much scarier than the overnight collapse of a family dynamic. You thought you were safe and happy? Wrong. Exhibit A made me more uncomfortable than any other movie I've watched recently, which is exactly what it was supposed to do. If you don't like found footage films, this shaky cam movie might not be worth it for you, but the immersion into a crumbling family's world (and the ace acting to boot) make this on