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Dead To Me

I feel like I was kidnapped by this show. If ever there was a series that completely took me by surprise, it's this fucker right here. Sure, it looked friendly and safe, but it was all a facade. How was I supposed to know when I innocently hit "play" on the first episode, that it would lead to me binge-watching all 10 episodes in one night? A work night, I might add, because who needs sleep? Even my boyfriend ended up getting invested, and he wasn't even watching it with me to begin with. Anyway, damn this show.

Dead To Me is unusually good. I don't know how else to put it. If I'm being honest, I was really only expecting a female buddy comedy, maybe a bit of dark shit thrown in given the subject matter. And it is both of those things, but it's also much more than that. It gave me anxiety, but almost a good anxiety. Am I making sense? Probably not.

Basic plot: Jen (Christina Applegate) recently lost her husband. Judy (Linda Cardellini), having recently experienced a loss of her own, befriends her at a group meeting. I'll stop there. Even though you find out about a couple of secrets in the first episode, I don't want to spoil it.

Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini are a perfect casting match, and I haven't seen either of them in a long time. Hell, I still remember when Linda Cardellini was blonde. They work so well in this, and even though both of their characters come with their issues -Jen has anger issues and can be quick to react, Judy is too soft and naive at times- I still liked and enjoyed them. Maybe it's because I'm generally empathetic, or maybe it's because of the excellent writing and acting, but's it easy to understand both characters, even when some of their secrets might be considered unforgivable.

James Marsden plays Judy's ex, and apparently he's a vampire. Why does he looks so good? Ugh. He's another example of perfect casting. You understand why Judy feels the way she does about him. You know he's a dickhead, get it. You would jump on it, too. Many times.

Bottom line: watch it. Maybe you'll get sucked in, maybe you'll be immune. Maybe you'll experience an array of really annoying emotions like I did. Seriously, I've been thinking about this show all day. Not cool.

My grade: A


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